South Tyneside Council – One Trinity Green
One Trinity Green is a modern development offering professional, managed workspace for new and growing companies, built as part of the regneration of the Laygate and Rekendyke area of South Shields.
As part of the ongoing development and to alleviate existing parking problems experienced at this location and the surrounding residential streets, BCE Northern were engaged as Principal Contractor to construct a new 90 space car park including 5 disabled spaces with associated access and footways.
In addition,a drainage attenuation tank storage system, perimeter fencing, street lighting, tree and shrub planting and a grassed earth bund installed to provide some natural screening.
As the proposed scheme resulted in the loss of open space, an alternative off-site “ecological compensation scheme” included removal and depositing suitable materials to an area of neutral grassland in the River Don Corridor to increase its value for biodiversity with wildflower seeding and planting.
This scheme involved:
– Bulk muck shift of in excess of 1600m3.
– Installation of over 300l/m of precast concrete kerbs.
– Importation of over 700m3 of granular fill.
– Over 2000m2 of Tarmacadam surfacing and whitelining.
The scheme was executed during a construction period of 12 weeks and was successfully completed on time and to the client’s budgetary requirements.