Whitley Bay Northern Promenade Redevelopment Works 


North Tyneside Council has made significant investment to refurbish the seafront promenade in Whitley Bay. The promenade has undergone major upgrades from the area around Watts Slope, linking to the Spanish City Plaza, all the way along to the Rendezvous Café. 

BCE Northern Limited are proud to have been part of the additional phase of redevelopment work on the northern promenade, works which are now complete. 

The phase of work focused on the area of promenade north of the Rendezvous café and involved repairing and replacing the original ‘Battenberg-style’ yellow and red flagstones to retain the character of the promenade. 

The edging blocks along the sea side of the promenade were removed and new railings installed to match those previously put in along the stretch and near St Mary’s Island. Two new shelters and pebble seating also installed to match the previous phase. 

The unsightly concrete plinths and shelters, which had fallen into a state of disrepair, were removed and three sets of steps down to the beach refurbished and made safer with new handrails installed.