Morpeth Road Primary School – Blyth, Northumberland
Morpeth Road Primary School is a new build school in Blyth, Northumberland. It was developed on the old brownfield site of Bates Colliery with access links off the existing adoptable highways. It opened in September 2011 and can accommodate up to 420 pupils.
Between March and November 2011, as Principal Subcontractor to GB Building Solutions, our organisation was engaged to undertake the full external works package under the JCT Form of Contract.
The scope of work included all reinforced concrete foundations and floor slabs to the new building, internal and external adoptable foul and surface water drainage, new access and staff car park construction within the site boundary with associated footpath access, flood drainage attenuation and construction of hard and soft rubber safety surfacing to play areas.
In addition, and forming an important integral part of the new school highway access, was the reconstruction and road safety adaptations to the existing adoptable highway. This work included installation of pedestrian refuge crossing islands, dropped disabled access, streetlighting, kerbing and footpath resurfacing and carriageway reconstruction with planing off and overlay in HRA surface to the existing roadway.
All of this work was undertaken whilst maintaining access and minimal disruption to the general public at all times.